Don't snip attribution lines while retaining quotes, douchebag.
Post by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanPost by K. A. CannonHonestly there were briefs all the time about the
who's/what's/why's/where's etc.....command always makes sure the guys
on the ground with the guns know WTF is going is just sound
logic to make sure your soldiers know what's up.
I can imagine
You can imagine?
Imagine? So you are going with pure supposition. You are using your
imagination to theorize on what you really have no first hand
information or experience with.
I said that earlier. We're all impressed with your very late grasp of
the obvious. At least something penetrates eventually.
Post by K. A. CannonWhy don't you just admit that you don't know.
I don't know what the mission is. The OP claimed he knew, so I asked.
Post by K. A. Cannon<snip big tangentials that don't have anything to do with Adam *not*
knowing about what Soldiers and Marines know.>
Ah yes...ole hindsight is 20/20.
A disconnected reference. This ain't a conversation.
Post by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanPost by K. A. CannonYou are twisting things...Colin said: "That's odd. The troops in Iraq
seem to understand what the mission is."
They certainly do because they are informed and they are briefed
Now you are twisting that into something entirely different.
Am I? What is the mission?
The mission for Soldiers and Marines is whatever required for that
particular day.
No. Really? I said something along those same lines in the very first
post that you objected to so very strenuously. You're being an asshole
for its own sake.
Post by K. A. CannonOh...I see...Soldiers/Marines should know the *whole big picture*.
No, the OP said that, so I asked him what the fucking mission was.
Post by K. A. CannonAnd your implying that they don't...that they are uninformed, that
they don't know.
Coulda sworn I said it straight out. There's that grasp of the obvious
thing working for you again.
Post by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanPost by K. A. CannonNever once did Colin say that Soldiers/Marines dictate policy.
Nor did I. I suggested that they aren't consulted.
"Soldiers are given tiny pieces of a mission and carry it out. Clear
out that building! Take and guard that section of territory! Secure
that area!"
You imply that the Soldiers/Marines do no know what the Big Picture is.
I'm saying NO ONE knows what the Big Picture is. What's the fucking
mission in Iraq?
Post by K. A. Cannon"Overall policy for the entire nation? No one consults the troops."
Yea....The Joint Chiefs are just there to fill chairs in a conference
room. And those guys don't listen to the commanders on the ground, nor
the Troops in the field. Even though many new policies in Iraq have
been implemented "from the ground pounders up".
Nothing to do with what I said isn't known about the overall mission.
Post by K. A. CannonYou don't know and you are prejudiced and mis-informed.
No, I'm not informed. The OP claimed he knew, but he hasn't shared.
Shove that prejudice shit back into your ass.
Post by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanPost by K. A. CannonSoldiers/Marines carry out the orders that are given to them by
command and those orders are dictated to command by the elected
civilian US government.
Yeah, that's the theory. Didn't quite have any orders from the
administration in practice. For three years, we've been playing catchup.
Don't forget to add "in my opinion."
Why? Are you too stupid to look at the From header? You think if I wrote
something, it's your opinion? This is the most idiotic crap from you...
Post by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanPost by K. A. CannonSoldiers and Marines are informed about the mission and the policy that
dictates that mission because an informed soldier/marines is a better
soldier/marine when he knows what/why he's fighting.
Someone should kindly let the taxpayers know.
The whole interweb is right at yer fingertips...and you can't find out?
Again, the OP claimed to know what the mission was. I asked him to tell us.
By all means, point out where the war's fucking objective is stated on
the Web. Every time Bush states an objective, he does so to lower
expectations of accomplishing anything useful still further.
Post by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanPost by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanPost by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanIn any event, it's a non sequitur.
Ummm....No...If you make noises about how you know what soldiers know
then you should have some experience in that field. Obviously you
don't so whatever characterizations you may make about being a soldier
are *not* based upon real world experience. Therefore...youse is fulla
shit cause ya don't know.
You already know what I think of your rant. Funny how none of you has
actually contradicted any of my cynical comments.
Cynical comments? Oh dear Adam...Don't characterize yourself as a
fuckheaded trolling asshole....I'd hate to see that.
I'll happily characterize you that way, as you are going out of your way
to misconstrue what I've written plainly.
Plainly? You don't know what you are talking about, and you are
misconstruing a lot but now you are offended when it is pointed out?
Tsk tsk.
No, just dealing with the usual Usenet assholery from someone who
refuses to give his own opinion but happily insults. It's in lieu of
actual intelligence.
Post by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanPost by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanPost by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanI'm still waiting for someone to tell me what he thinks the mission in Iraq is.
Keep waiting for that.
None of you has any particular knowledge about the war's true purpose.
I believe Colin has...since he's BTDT....But fuck...don't take his
word for obvious know better and are willing to make sure
that people who have been in the military know that you know better.
Colin hasn't said shit about the war's true purpose, just that everyone
knows what it is.
Everybody but you.
You don't know.
Post by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanPost by K. A. CannonAnd for the record...I don't agree with the war nor the motives for
starting it...
Isn't that special. But according to you, no civilian is allowed to
question anything at all.
Nope...Civilians shold be allowed to make grand all encompassing
statements about the military when that civilian doesn't know the
Tell us the facts. What's the overall mission? I didn't blame the
military for any of the fiascos, dipshit. You do have a problem with
reading things I never wrote.
Post by K. A. CannonEspecially when the facts are easily found.
You didn't offer any facts, so they must not be so easily found.
Post by K. A. CannonAnd people who know the facts should be allowed to point out what is
wrong....That's how UseNet works also.
No one offered any facts.
Post by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanPost by K. A. CannonBut....I won't see a fucking wuss like you
Oh, fuck off yourself. You have no moral superiority whatsoever.
Schoolyard bullies have no honor.
Ahem...You never answered...Have *you* served in the military?
If you haven't then I do have a moral superiority over you in that
regard as I know what I am talking about.
Go run it up the flagpole and fuck yourself with it. I reiterate:
Bullies have no honor.
Post by K. A. CannonPost by Adam H. KermanPost by K. A. Cannonput out obvious mis-information about my comrades and my former branch of
the military.
I didn't put out any information and I didn't put down any branch of the
military, you sanctimoneous prick. I expressed an opinion. We do that on
Usenet. You couldn't offer a valid counter-opinion so resorted to insults.
You characterize the soldiers as un-informed drones who only have the
barest inkling of what the mission is...that being take that hill,
take that house, hold that place. It shows how ill-informed you are
about the military.
I guess I take it personally as I used to be a soldier...and a lot of
the people who have replied to you are soldiers.
Who cares? Thus far, you haven't offered an actual opinion, only
insults. Perhaps if you had tried to offer a real world example, I might
have been persuaded. Your conversational skills are much too limited for
that. Nevertheless, the men on the ground are not told what the overall
mission objective is of the overall war.
Why did we invade Iraq? If the men were told what the UN was told, that
was all exposed as lies.
Post by K. A. CannonYou have an's ill informed and wrong.
I don't have an opinion. I asked a question about why we are there.
Really don't give a damn if it hurt your widdle feewings.
Here's an example: When I observe you're an asshole, that's an insult.
When I state that the men on the ground aren't told what the overall
objective of invading and occupying Iraq is, that's not insulting the
troops and not insulting the military. No one expects the military to be
a democracy; no one expects the troops to be given a choice.
Post by K. A. CannonPlease continue illustrating that you have no idea what you are
talking about with regards to the Military.
Still haven't heard anything worthwhile. From years of experience with
you, I already knew that you're capable of taking offense. What you're
rarely capable of doing is offering useful information.
You dug yourself into a really deep pit by taking offense at something
only an idiot would misconstrue.