Post by Adam H. KermanPost by DarylPost by Adam H. KermanPost by DarylPost by Adam H. KermanPost by DarylPost by Adam H. KermanPost by DarylNewflash: usdotspalsh was originally setup as a
managed hierarchy and does require the pgp or original
email address of the admin. The Email has been long
since lost.
I know. I was around. It's more like the hierarchy
administrator vanished.
Post by DarylThere IS a power that is the ultimate control of the
Sorry, there isn't. Hierarchy administrator has control
of a list, nothing more. News administrators don't have
to use the list, but if they create groups on the list,
then they know the group's recognized name.
usdotsplat isn't altdotsplat. Different rules apply.
Wrong, dude. Hierarchy administrators don't run Usenet. News
administers do. News administrators can present Usenet to
their own users as they like, even making up groups in
administered hierarchies.
Post by DarylSpeaking about bitter, alt.config is empty now.
There's nothing to discuss lacking proposals.
Post by DarylYou have your own private newgroup where you can abuse
those that stop in once in awhile for help. You have
always been a bit bitter and abusive but others used to be
there to help out. They are gone now and it's just you.
But this ain't my first radio so your abuse won't work.
Wow. You post to Usenet to get your dick sucked, don't you.
Post by DarylGet over yourself and not try to kill yet another config.
us.config has been dead except for two stupid articles you
Post by DarylI also noticed that news.groups is dead a well and you
frequent that area as well.
You're pretty blind. You must have missed several massive
threads that what's his name started to talk about his
takeover of Usenet.
Post by DarylThere is a lot more involved in a managed hierarchy than
you think or you lead others to believe.
Well, no, it's mostly setting up a cron job to issue
checkgroups on occassion. Nothing else.
Post by DarylI guess you just want all of them to be treated like
altdotsplat where nothing is managed short of a handful of
moderated groups. I won't go into the power that the
Managed Manager has since you don't know what it is. Let
the new bloods learn when or if the time comes that they
wish to take this area over.
What does a moderated newsgroup have to do with a managed
Post by DarylAs for bitter, it must suck to be you.
I'm here to laugh at you. Keep it up.
It's hard on you to kill something that is already dead,
isn't. But first, you have to bring it back to life. Then you
can kill it. Frustrating, isn't it.
Daryl, I don't recall the last time I saw you start a discussion
in a us.* newsgroup, or participate in an existing one. You've
demonstrated, clearly, that you don't give a shit about the
future of us.*, that the only reason why you're here is to
continue complaining about Henrietta, the group of people who
tried to assist Henrietta and carry on after she vanished, and
now Tim Skirvin. You're bitter. It's extremely bizarre.
Assist? Is that what you call it? Henrietta was called every
name in the book by your "Helpers".
I don't recall you defending her at any point, not do I recall you
refraining from insulting anyone, including her.
You don't recall anything at all. Just keep making it up as you go. No
wonder alt.config is dead.
Post by Adam H. KermanPost by DarylThey tried to sneak a charter through on an existing NG that would
have left them totally in charge and they had already proven they
were more than a bit biased and mean spirited.
I recall everyone became frustrated with her and that she'd isolated herself.
There was a group that, first look, might make it seem that way but if
you had been around for any length of time and followed things you
would have seen it was a very long attempt at taking control for
themselves. They wanted power but didn't know what to do with that
power. Of course, they, as a group,, trashed 2 alts before and left
them gutted with only spammers and hate people. When a group of people
go off the deep end they attract the most unfavorable sorts. Take a
good look at u.s.m and see what is left. It's actually cleaned up a bit
in the last 6 months or so since the fruitcakes have all but moved on.
A couple are still there but they will move on sooner or later. That
small power seeking group left about 4 years ago and it's just now
starting to settle down.
Post by Adam H. KermanPost by DarylThen they conned her into setting up an advisory committe where
they were the committee. That didn't go over. It was like
dealing with Alqueda. The only difference is, no one ever dies on
the usenet. And ISC agreed with that along with more than a couple
of News Admins. One called the us.config as the "OK Corral".
Your absurd over-the-top rhetoric makes your argument look stupid. I
was part of the advisory committee for a while, but dropped off and
stopped paying attention, and wasn't around when she was no longer
hierarchy administrator.
She wanted to give up the reigns. She ended up blind and in a assisted
living home. Those clown wouldn't stop the games. They had done it so
long they thought it was the natural thing to do. If they had
cooperated (an impossibility) they could have had the NGs for
themselves. Terrorists just terrorize.
Post by Adam H. KermanI've been telling your FOR YEARS that ISC has NOTHING to do with any
of this, beyond hosting the archive of control messages. It's amazing
that you continue to insist on making that fundamental mistake, even
though you know better. ISC is not in charge of Usenet.
YOu are just making it up as you go. You and I haven't exchanged
anything for over a decade and then it was short and to the point. Just
keep making it up.
Post by Adam H. KermanPost by DarylPost by Adam H. KermanYou've got a bizarre notion caught in your brain that the role
of hierarchy administrator has some kind of power associated
with it. Again, I'm telling you that it's nothing more than
maintaining the list of recognized newsgroups in the form of
checkgroups, and setting up a cronjob to post the checkgroups
periodically. That's all. There hasn't been a need for a new
us.* group in all the time I've been observing the situation, so
there's no reason to change the recognized set of us.*
newsgroups. Lack of enough newsgroups isn't any kind of
fundamental problem in us.*.
You forget one thing, the Admin can also cancel spam, posts that
are extremely abusive, etc..
Oh, my gawd, you are an idiot. You're pulling shit out of your own
ass and flinging it upon Usenet. No, third-party cancels and
retro-moderation are not the hierarchy administrator's role. us.*
was never set up as a retro-moderated hierarchy. No legitimate
hierarchy is.
Wrong answer. She cancelled about 200 of my messages and did also to
others. She demanded I cancel them and I refused. I don't think you
actually believe what you are typing. I think it's become, instead of
misinformed, you are just a troll lying.
Post by Adam H. KermanPost by DarylThey are also the only one that the Powers in Be will accept a
charter from a managed Hierarchy and I don't mean the News Admins.
Your comment is meaningless. There are no Powers in Be [sic].
I gave you the benefit of the doubt about being misinformed. Now, you
are just a troll lying.
Post by Adam H. KermanPost by DarylOne of the first things a News Admin does is check who is in
charge of a managed Hierarchy. If it ain't the presenter then it
can't be changed. Unlike altdotsplat where it has to be the
original creator or someone with access to their original email.
Wrong again, dude. A News administrator is in charge of his own
server, not a hierarchy administrator. He may create and remove
groups in an administered hierarchy as he sees fit, and there's not
fuck all anyone else can do about it. A hierarchy administrator is
in charge to the extent that a News administrator acknowledges his
authority to state the exact name of a newsgroup. For instance, if a
News administrator wishes to create a newsgroup in which the United
States Army may be discussed and he recognizes the hierarchy
administrator's authority, then he knows to create,
not, not The hierarchy administrator cannot
prevent him from creating a newsgroup in which the United States Air
Force is the topic, such as us.military.air-force, a group that's not
on the canonical list of groups.
No matter how many more times you claim a News administrator isn't
in charge of his own server, it's still wrong.
I sat in the chair of a news admin for years. How long have you done
so? Zero? I always checked to make sure it was from the person on file
in a control file. To do otherwise would make you nothing more than
google news. Are you misinformed or are just a troll lying once again.
Post by Adam H. KermanPost by DarylPost by Adam H. KermanThe fundamental problem is lack of people starting discussions.
You've made yourself part of the problem by not starting
discussions. Bitching and moaning in us.config isn't being
conversational, Daryl.
Actually, the bitching didn't really start until you infested this area.
Your root article, and a similar one from a few weeks back, was
nothing more than whining. Boo hoo. I'm here to laugh at you.
Weeks back? I haven't posted in here since 2004. That's nine years. I
can see you are still lying.
Post by Adam H. KermanPost by DarylYou seem to think that your lack of knowledge of the history of
this Hierarchy means that you are qualified. Hell, I started out
against Henrietta but came out in favor of her when I saw the ones
you call "Her Helpers" try and run the place into the ground much
like they did at least two of the Alts.
This area needs a strong Admin. And it needs people that are
supportive of the Admin to help it get healthy. For the last two
years, there hasn't been a single posting originate from any
usdotsplat NG. What's happened is, most of the spammers and
jammers have moved on. Now or soon, this area can be reprised
with a good support unit.
That's nothing to do with hierarchy administration. Nothing. A
hierarchy administrator doesn't start conversation.
If you had any interesting in starting conversation, you personally
would start some. But you don't, so you're nothing more than a
If you would stay away, maybe, some group of people would adopt this
area and want to make it whole once again. But since you killed
alt.config, I guess you think this should be killed as well. Maybe you
should invite lil timmie to post his freedotsplat ads. Other than
fruitcake posts in news.groups, the only post in there is lil timmies
monthly ad for his Freedotsplat newsgroups. Of course, freedotsplat
only has his once a month posts in there as well.
Post by Adam H. KermanNewsgroups die because users refuse to post to them. You're the
problem, not Tim, not anyone else. You.
And why do they refuse to post? I am active in a few NGs that have many
decent posts and people posting in them. We are all there because we
WANT to be here and don't put up with fruitcake posts or spend all our
time chasing trolls and liars (pat yourself on the back now).
Post by Adam H. KermanPost by DarylAnd that doesn't include either of us. If you want to help get it
some support and people willing to work together and promote it.
And I don't mean the same support that altdotsplat gets either
which is non existent or abusive.
I really don't care all that much. I've always seen it as redundant
of groups in alt.* and Big 8.
The outfit that took control around 2004 pretty well rode big 8 into the
ground. People have to have a reason to stop posting once they have
found a reason to read and post in it.
Post by Adam H. KermanPost by DarylShoot, even the Big 8 has pretty well been abandoned by their
managers. This area is probably the easiest to reprise if a group
of people decide they wish to take it over and run it. If that is
the case, I will assist them with information.
It has nothing to do with running anything. It just has to do with
posting. No one's preventing you from starting discussions. You've
chosen instead to sit on your hands. Your offer of assistance is
therefore meaningless.
You are right. But first, it's time to take care of a troll and liar
(take a bow)